

MSF’s telemedicine system was launched in April 2010. A total of 3136 paediatric cases (<18 years age) were submitted (56% of all telemedicine cases) from April 2010 to June 2017.


Photo: June 2016 - An MSF doctor in Ethiopia takes a photo of an x-ray to send to the telemedicine service. /MSF

Paediatric telemedicine: the experience of MSF


In 2017, Daniel Martinez Garcia, together with Sophie Delaigue, Jaap Karsten, Richard Wootton, Raghu Venugopal, submitted an abstract to the MSF Paediatric Days, entitled "Paediatric telemedicine: the experience of Médecins Sans Frontières".

His abstract was accepted and presented as a PaedTalk.

The abstract is available on ResearchGate, and the video of the talk is available on YouTube

Telemedicine helps to bridge the gap between remote areas and large hospitals, if you are curious about this system, an article about MSF’s telemedicine service is available here.

A Retrospective Analysis of Pediatric Cases Handled by the MSF Tele-Expertise System (2014) is also available here.

Any questions about paediatric telemedicine, the abstract or the PaedTalk? Contact us at and we will share your question with Daniel and his colleagues.